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Creation Healing

The Soul’s Supreme Flight


the formerly unimaginable:

Imagine… a world without

disease & disorder

Imagine a world where all peoples regardless of age, ethnicity, orientation or identification, co-exist completely, peacefully, thoroughly enjoying their God given rights to have, be & do exactly as they choose.

About Creation Healing, the Soul’s Supreme Flight

Welcome to a calling from the calling of your Heart & Soul. Just imagine what it might be like to live with the freedom to be healthy, abundant, joyous, peaceful & awakened!

Creation Healing, the Soul’s Supreme Flight (CHSSF), is a Light, Sound and Energetic Healing process. It is brought to us by founder and Creation Healing Master, Adalayah Statile. This powerful & pervasive methodology, CHSSF, calls in the God-Given & highest frequency & vibration which is guided by your ordained and certified Creation-Healer and yourself.

This group is led by the Founder of CHSSF, a forty plus year, Creation Healing Master, Adalayah, and accompanied by: Dionidas (Robert) Fogerite and Zhaddi (Tricia) De Felice. They are equipped and dedicated to ignite the state of Omni-awareness within themselves and within you, therefore bringing about the outcome of your vision for the life you love. This is a life filled with abundant and sustainable well-being.

As you are accompanied by your own Creation Healer, you’ll be encouraged and trained in how to relax into, and prepare to receive your personal guidance & Mantra Infused Healing Energies. You will be granted the rights to your own personal freedom as the essence of the God of YOUR path is welcomed by you and your Creation Healer as you are guided, escorted, supported and gently placed into the awaiting arms of your Greater Self who tirelessly awaits your state of full healing & freedom.

It is our belief and full-knowing, that no one and nothing heals you but your own Divine Source. We are specially trained to enter into the state of Supreme Self to channel with you, the highest energies of your greatest Self.

Creation Healing truths you will benefit from knowing:

  • Creation Healing is not a religion, therefore, all paths of light are welcomed, supported and encouraged here
  • With the CHSSF work, you will be able to bring balance to a tired and unstable life
  • This Creation Healing enables you to fully function within the highest levels of yourown capabilities
  • After your session:
    • You will be ready to notice less or no anxiety
    • You’ll enjoy the uplifting of negative emotions and other lower vibrational energies
  • Clients report a remarkable difference in all levels of discomfort & discord, including but not limited to:
    • Reduction in levels of, or complete cessation of:
      • Pain and suffering from physical and emotional issues
      • The capacity to walk  and move without pain
        A truly beautiful mind that is no longer plagued with negative, pervasive and unresourceful thoughts
      • Being plagued with obsessive and compulsive inner-negotiations
      • A 16 year-long return to lasting sobriety after a former 20-year opiate addiction

We literally receive reports of miracles in our clients lives after attending CHSSF sesions.

Join us to evoke your True Self that is patiently awaiting activation and greater awakenings. Isn’t it time that you met the great one that you are? Isn’t it time for you to BE the Hero you came here to Meet?

Appointments can be had anywhere in our world at a convenient time for you. Please read on to select your very own Creation Healer and book an appointment.

Looking forward to seeing you in all the very best emotional, mental, physical & spiritual states that are possible for you, Now, Always and in All ways!

Meet the Healers

Quantum-Mind Master Teacher


Adalayah’s heart overflows with love for humankind, strengthened by her greatest personal allies: The IHT Practices, Forgiveness, Courage and Audacity. In these days where transhumanism is the calling card for taking away all your God-Given freedoms under the guise of ‘making things better for you’, she is determined to continue to offer you simple and successful ways to make it way beyond the muck & mire of today’s humanity and into your own true personal freedom!

Overcoming the almost unbearable life that the universe had served her, she has journeyed far beyond simple survival of that agonizing past and into the arms of the astounding life she now lives.

Her heart’s greatest desire is to see all of humankind, who hears this calling, to become liberated from the imprisonment of their own minds which, sadly, are mostly externally controlled. She lives a life bringing Quantum and Universal Truths to her students and upleveling the vibrational frequencies of all she encounters.

PharmD, CHSSF Certified, IHT~Way Certified, IHT~Way Practitioner


My name is Dionidas (the quantum leader & healer formerly known as Robert). As a scientifically trained pharmacist, I never in a million years could have imagined such an outrageous experience! In this experience, a significant door was opened for me. Now I know why I walked through this door. It gave me the perspective to stand beside and guide you.

My name is Dionidas (the quantum leader & healer formerly known as Robert),

Below is my personal journey of transformation. As a scientifically trained pharmacist, I never in a million years could have imagined such an outrageous experience! In this experience, a significant door was opened for me. Now I know why I walked through this door. It gave me the perspective to stand beside and guide you. This is how I mastered how to open a similar door for you to step through and into the new version of yourself!

To set the stage, soak up the following quote from the creator of this work, my own direct experiences will share with you the truth and validity of this quote.

“It’s never too late to become who you are destined to be” -Adalayah.

This profound realization struck me like lightning in 2018, during what could have been my final moments. At just 31 years old, I faced a heart attack that forever altered the course of my life.

In the midst of this life-altering event, I experienced a profound shift. Through Creation Healing, The Soul’s Supreme Flight (CHSSF), I found myself moving from immense and intense pain and despair to calm and balance. The amazing healing energy directed towards me by Adalayah and her team from hundreds of miles away transformed my physical, mental, and emotional state in mere minutes.

The results were nothing short of miraculous. Medical tests showed a complete reversal of my cardiac condition, leaving my doctors and myself astonished.

Inspired by this transformative experience, I delved deeper into the study of Creation Healing, becoming CHSSF certified in 2019 after nine months of intensive training. Since then, I’ve dedicated myself to practicing this healing modality and witnessing countless miracles unfold before my eyes.

Creation Healing has become more than just a healing practice for me—it’s my heARTwork, my pathway to alignment with my truest self. With every session, I am reminded that I am being who I am destined to be. Through my experiences working with others, I’ve witnessed firsthand how Creation Healing facilitates profound alignment with one’s true self.

Enough about me, who are YOU destined to be? Allow my story to amplify the message that it is NOT too late to begin this journey.

Join me on the Journey

Are you ready to embrace your own transformation? Whether you’re facing a health crisis, seeking fulfillment, or simply longing for change, Creation Healing is here to guide and uplift you.

It’s Your Turn

Don’t delay the opportunity to powerfully rewrite your story. Take the first step towards healing and transformation today.

Book a Session with Dionidas
M.A., CHSSF Certified, IHT~Way Certified, IHT~Way Practitioner

Zhaddi (Tricia) De Felice

Zhaddi lived the majority of her life in the excitement of the Big Apple, working, learning, growing and playing! When she met Adalayah & her Quantum~Mind solutions work, she knew that there was more inner work to be had for her to live the life of joy she always imagined for herself.

Zhaddi lived the majority of her life in the excitement of the Big Apple, working, learning, growing and playing! When she met Adalayah & her Quantum-Mind solutions work, she knew that there was more personal growth work to be had for her to live the life of joy she always imagined for herself. This realization and dive into her inner work, propelled her to move to the Pacific Northwest to be closer to her renowned teacher in order to deepen and fortify the IHT-Way Wisdom so that she would be of even greater service to others. She teaches them that everything they want is currently right here at their fingertips, when they study and apply this remarkable body of work.

Zhaddi is a master of, and was ordained in a most remarkable and sustainable Energy and Light Healing-Ministry called Creation Healing, the Soul’s Supreme Flight (CHSSF) Program.

Her CHSSF and IHT-Way Studies and Practice added to her 25+ year Reiki Master focus, synthesize with Zhaddi’s rigorous apprentice program working directly with Master Healer and Creator of CHSSF, Adalayah, for over 20 years! These combined modalities have brought her Energy Work to an extremely high level of applied focus providing life changing, Energetic healings, in the areas of Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Accomplishment for all who seek this.

Studying and Mastering CHSSF and IHT Quantum Mind Solutions Wisdom and Coaching, Zhaddi happily lives a joyfully balanced and ever evolving life helping those in need, both Human and Animal. To add to her list of accomplishments, Zhaddi also founded and is the sought after owner of While They Happily Wait Pet Care.

With the quality and “miracles” evident in her energy work, Zhaddi brings profound opportunities for greater wellbeing and is dedicated to offering these benefits to all humans and animals who seek wellness through the energetic, light and spiritual healing of CHSSF and IHT Quantum Mind Solutions Coaching.

Zhaddi and her kitty family are happily practicing CHSSF and Coaching In the beautiful Pacific Northwest as well as all around the world…for Love, Energy, Vibration and Frequency are boundless!

Book a Session with Zhaddi