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IHT Three Month Master-Class

Ignite your Quantum & Human Genius

Right Here

Right Now!

December 4th, 2023 through February 19th, 2024

Monday’s, 7:00 through 8:15 p.m. via Zoom

Einstein said that the very same mind he used for his own genius work IS available for all of us IF and WHEN we choose to access and control our minds.

WELCOME to Controlling YOUR Mind by Merging your Body, Mind, and Spirit to reach the Quantum Field of all possibilities.

Now, use your Imagination to whittle away months or years of uncertainty, pain, frustration & confusion. You’ll leave this 3 Month program with a newly found fire that courses through you like a wild stallion, expanding you beyond your previous levels of achievement to the field of all possibilities as the miracles literally pour in…continuously!

From Adalayah (the quantum-mind leader formerly known as Aneeahseah)

I’m here to reveal the end-game and the advanced secrets I gained when I literally ‘died’ on the operating table over 30 years ago.  The very secrets that have taken me to millionaire status several times before I left that world to study & discover how God and Genius were available to us all, equally.

The lessons I offer give you the chance to study the wisdom of my expansive and remarkable life experiences, that propelled me into the myriad of successes I owned over my lifetime, in ONLY three brilliant months of the renowned Quantum-Mind Master Classes. 

All this in a state of sheer joy! Ready yourself to have your mind blown!

Imagine that over the three months in Quantum-Mind Master Class you will learn…

How the synthesizing of your 3-D Goals along with the added rocket fuel of the Quantum-Mind strategies & teachings, work so brilliantly:

All of the 3-D components will set your course for both the practical and the realistic parts of your 2023-2024 plan.

The Quantum-Mind components become the literal ‘wind beneath your wings’ and add the edge that transforms your life from boring and basic to Beyond Brilliant!

3-D components

  • Goals will be uncovered, discovered and set into powerful motion for the rest of your year’s most successful outcome
  • We each have the same 168 hours per week in which to fritter away, OR, practice & succeed.  Excitement abounds when you focus upon the best use of your 168 hours per week and allocate them to the best schedule for your own personal definition of unending achievement.
  • Your to-do’s & scheduling automated
  • All your program videos, documents & assignments available to you around the clock for ‘work anytime’ ease and questions & answers happily available to respond to your every 3MMC requirement.

Quantum-Mind components

  • Quantum-Mind Solutions for every troubling life-situation that may arise as you set the course of your lifetime’s dreams that become reality
  • What YOU need to know, in order to succeed, about how the Quantum-Field works and how to have your ‘Spiritual and Quantum Awakening’ cake and eat it too!
  • Multiple Quantum Mind-Hacks for rapid learning and application of the IHT Q-M Work
  • How to distinguish…between the habits of the human ego-mind and your Divine Intelligence, and how to supersede your previous times in this life of ‘mistaken listening’ and the disasters this brings about

To Connect…deeply with your truest desires so you can create the life you want to live.  Set the Goals and schedules to support this brilliant life

To Take Action…toward going above & beyond the survival and victim tendencies of pain, fear and lack.

To Harness…your Quantum-Mind that powerfully resides within you, co-creating your remarkable life.

To Release…and obliterate all that no longer serves you, using proven techniques of accessing the IHT Quantum Mind solutions.

To Turn Inward...into the ultra-rich field of All Possibility through direct Quantum-Mind Consciousness connection

To Apply…this brilliant body of work genuinely into daily action in the “real world.”

To Manifest…All that you desire and finally start living THE life you truly desire and deserve to live!

In This exciting course, you’ll be working and studying along-side with advanced students & IHT-Way Coaches: A  Pharmacist, a Reflexologist, a massage therapist & an owner at her Animal Care-giving company, to name a few, all who practice the IHT~Way work and see and hear how it has vastly improved their lives.

Here's all the Buzz about Adalayah's Quantum-Mind 3 Month Master Class:

While attending the Invincible Heart Tradition's Master Class at about two weeks in, I noticed a change in my level of self-confidence which has grown so much during the course I was able to make leaps of faith necessary to attain my dreams. Within two months of the Master Class ending and using techniques and strategies I learned in the course; I attained my long-desired dream of being hired as Marketing Director of a prominent not-for-profit organization that also feeds my creative desires. Give it a try! The only things you will lose are your fears and anxieties…

Mike GantenbeinFormer Director of Marketing, Britt Music & Arts Festival

Peggy so loved Adalayah’s IHT phrase: “Become Un-pokable” (meaning having no-thing that could provoke a negative reactive state) that she took this as her goal:

My goal was to become completely Un-pokable and remove all self-doubt: I was hypersensitive to criticism, defensive and relied upon others for my sense of value and validation.

I found the Invincible Heart Traditions work and practice has helped me become “UN-POKABLE” by removing Self-Doubt, Ego, and allowing me to respond, not react, thereby creating a stopping of the attraction of the difficult issues in life. I found that the people around me almost miraculously seemed to change as well. Simply by shifting myself and my thoughts, utilizing the EZ-PZ IHT tenets, I literally changed the world around me. My family, business and friend-circle relationships have all upgraded and blossomed. Thank you, Adalayah, and the IHT Work! It works

Peggy SavagePeggy’s Massage Works, Ashland, OR

My Life is ecstatic due to my Invincible Heart Traditions work with Adalayah. I joined Adalayah’s 3 Month Master Class thinking that my dream, a satellite Feline Rehab Center affiliated with our local animal shelter, may take years to achieve. To my surprise and delight, very soon (just three weeks into class) after beginning our Class the first Shelter, called Puck’s Place, was funded, designed, built and in operation saving feline lives. This work has enabled me get to the point that I believed this was a possibility NOW, not ten years from now. I love every minute of my life and I have The Invincible Heart Traditions to thank for the ongoing expert training, love and support throughout the process of creation!

Zhaddi (Tricia) De FeliceOwner “While They Happily Wait” pet care, Talent, OR

Advanced Students, Coaches, Healers and Teacher-Trainees who will be participating in program presentations:

PharmD, CHSSF Certified, IHT~Way Certified, IHT~Way Practitioner


My name is Dionidas (the quantum leader & healer formerly known as Robert). As a scientifically trained pharmacist, I never in a million years could have imagined such an outrageous experience! In this experience, a significant door was opened for me. Now I know why I walked through this door. It gave me the perspective to stand beside and guide you.

My name is Dionidas (the quantum leader & healer formerly known as Robert),

Below is my personal journey of transformation. As a scientifically trained pharmacist, I never in a million years could have imagined such an outrageous experience! In this experience, a significant door was opened for me. Now I know why I walked through this door. It gave me the perspective to stand beside and guide you. This is how I mastered how to open a similar door for you to step through and into the new version of yourself!

To set the stage, soak up the following quote from the creator of this work, my own direct experiences will share with you the truth and validity of this quote.

“It’s never too late to become who you are destined to be” -Adalayah.

This profound realization struck me like lightning in 2018, during what could have been my final moments. At just 31 years old, I faced a heart attack that forever altered the course of my life.

In the midst of this life-altering event, I experienced a profound shift. Through Creation Healing, The Soul’s Supreme Flight (CHSSF), I found myself moving from immense and intense pain and despair to calm and balance. The amazing healing energy directed towards me by Adalayah and her team from hundreds of miles away transformed my physical, mental, and emotional state in mere minutes.

The results were nothing short of miraculous. Medical tests showed a complete reversal of my cardiac condition, leaving my doctors and myself astonished.

Inspired by this transformative experience, I delved deeper into the study of Creation Healing, becoming CHSSF certified in 2019 after nine months of intensive training. Since then, I’ve dedicated myself to practicing this healing modality and witnessing countless miracles unfold before my eyes.

Creation Healing has become more than just a healing practice for me—it’s my heARTwork, my pathway to alignment with my truest self. With every session, I am reminded that I am being who I am destined to be. Through my experiences working with others, I’ve witnessed firsthand how Creation Healing facilitates profound alignment with one’s true self.

Enough about me, who are YOU destined to be? Allow my story to amplify the message that it is NOT too late to begin this journey.

Join me on the Journey

Are you ready to embrace your own transformation? Whether you’re facing a health crisis, seeking fulfillment, or simply longing for change, Creation Healing is here to guide and uplift you.

It’s Your Turn

Don’t delay the opportunity to powerfully rewrite your story. Take the first step towards healing and transformation today.

Book a Session with Dionidas
M.A., CHSSF Certified, IHT~Way Certified, IHT~Way Practitioner

Zhaddi (Tricia) De Felice

Zhaddi lived the majority of her life in the excitement of the Big Apple, working, learning, growing and playing! When she met Adalayah & her Quantum~Mind solutions work, she knew that there was more inner work to be had for her to live the life of joy she always imagined for herself.

Zhaddi lived the majority of her life in the excitement of the Big Apple, working, learning, growing and playing! When she met Adalayah & her Quantum-Mind solutions work, she knew that there was more personal growth work to be had for her to live the life of joy she always imagined for herself. This realization and dive into her inner work, propelled her to move to the Pacific Northwest to be closer to her renowned teacher in order to deepen and fortify the IHT-Way Wisdom so that she would be of even greater service to others. She teaches them that everything they want is currently right here at their fingertips, when they study and apply this remarkable body of work.

Zhaddi is a master of, and was ordained in a most remarkable and sustainable Energy and Light Healing-Ministry called Creation Healing, the Soul’s Supreme Flight (CHSSF) Program.

Her CHSSF and IHT-Way Studies and Practice added to her 25+ year Reiki Master focus, synthesize with Zhaddi’s rigorous apprentice program working directly with Master Healer and Creator of CHSSF, Adalayah, for over 20 years! These combined modalities have brought her Energy Work to an extremely high level of applied focus providing life changing, Energetic healings, in the areas of Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Accomplishment for all who seek this.

Studying and Mastering CHSSF and IHT Quantum Mind Solutions Wisdom and Coaching, Zhaddi happily lives a joyfully balanced and ever evolving life helping those in need, both Human and Animal. To add to her list of accomplishments, Zhaddi also founded and is the sought after owner of While They Happily Wait Pet Care.

With the quality and “miracles” evident in her energy work, Zhaddi brings profound opportunities for greater wellbeing and is dedicated to offering these benefits to all humans and animals who seek wellness through the energetic, light and spiritual healing of CHSSF and IHT Quantum Mind Solutions Coaching.

Zhaddi and her kitty family are happily practicing CHSSF and Coaching In the beautiful Pacific Northwest as well as all around the world…for Love, Energy, Vibration and Frequency are boundless!

Book a Session with Zhaddi

Just Imagine

What could you do with the unique teachings inside the 2023-2024 Quantum-Mind Master Class group, led by renowned, Master-teacher and Quantum-Mind Thought Leader, Adalayah?

Join her with the Senior Student Alumni who are coaches and Healers in this work, the Invincible Heart Traditions, rich body of trainings & your team-members on this honorable path of ‘on Earth as it is in Heaven’. Below is list of the tools and features provided in this Master Class.

  • Sunday Quantum-Mind intermediate meditation practices to practice what you learned in this 3 Month Master Class program with Adalayah for 6 months from the end of 3 Month Master-Class. Value of over $1,000
  • Four (4) Adalayah Private Mastery Program, Zoom sessions, Value of over $1,000
  • 12  Group Zoom programs presented weekly, where our intimate class has the opportunity to explore with Adalayah and your team-mates questions, answers, and sharing in an exhilarating and safe, like-minded atmosphere.  Value of over $1,000
  • A private IHT-Way Session with each of our IHT-Way Coaches, value $900+
  • 6 Month ongoing platform access for private questions & answers with Adalayah. Any time-night or day, reach out, write your thoughts, questions, statements of where you are… and get an answer within 12 hours or sooner. Value of over $4,000.
  • Unlimited platform access for questions & answers, log, share, reach out with your ‘what did you do when…’ questions & get supported by your 3 Month Master Class Team-Mates in private platform without everyone in FB-land knowing your business.  Value:  Limitless
  • Ongoing platform access for private questions & answers with Adalayah. Any time-night or day, reach out, write your thoughts, questions, statements of where you are… and get an answer within 6 hours or sooner. Value of over $4,000.
  • One Free private full Day Mastery Program with Adalayah when you book at least one other day. Daily rates & tuitions available when you book. The tuition today is $3,000 per day. This is: A Private Shaman/Life Quantum-Mystic oriented day, designed just for you at the beautiful Lithia Springs Resort. Enjoy the power of your own life unfolding before you with joyous realizations & outrageous new ways to look at your world to think ‘outside your box’ thus creating the nirvana you seek.  Value of $3,000.

Our 3 Month Master Class tuition is $3,600 and offers two convenient payment options.

Choose from either the Payment Plan of 3 monthly tuition payments at $1200 or save 15% on tuition by paying in full now.

$1200/ month
  • 3 monthly payments of $1200 per month.
  • First of 3 Payments due by 11/1/23
$3600one time

Who is this 3 Month Master Class NOT for?

  • This program is not for those who already have all they wish in life, whether material or spiritual.  Don’t apply…
  • You who refuse to let go of your victim status.  Those are the ones who insist they are at the effect of circumstances outside of themselves. This is NOT for you.
  • It is not for those who want to continue to make excuses about not having enough time or the resources to work on themselves & their lives.
  • Or of those who are emotionally over-identified, addicted, to their past difficulties and who don’t want to let that story go.

SO who IS this program for? It is a MUST if:

  • You are a person who is ready to take their life to the next level.
  • Those who have heard that attaining a genius mind is a real potential and who want to discover how to mine this rich and as yet fully untapped resource.
  • You’re a super successful professional (in any field) looking to have an edge (quantum-edge) to add to your skillset and corner your market with this added advantage.
  • You’re feeling stuck and a little bored in your life, looking for a BIG and NEW refresh to feel excited once again.
  • The person that knows that they need a real breakthrough and is ready to step up and claim it!
  • The Spiritualist, the Quantum-curious, the Family Man or Woman, the Entrepreneur ready to take responsibility for their Lives.
  • If you ‘know’ there must be more to life than what you have experienced thus far, no matter how successful you are.
  • Those who have ‘made it’ according to societal norms and who are just not satisfied.
  • For people who want to have more understanding of the Quantum Field, spirituality or mysticism in their daily lives so as to truly create Heaven on Earth.
  • For those who are tired of playing small and who want a positive and joyous pathway to their True Self!

A Note From Adalayah

After arriving back from my 'near death' experience, I began my life-long studies on all aspects of how I got so ill in the first place AND, most importantly, How to keep clear to never have that happen again.

Utilizing reverse engineering, I took what delivered me to my death-bed and did the reverse actions and turned them into the remarkable, and proven teachings I now offer.

I just knew there must be another way. Not only did I spend 25+ years at a modern-day Monastery/Ashram, but I also discovered deep spiritual & quantum truths that I synthesized into the profound, yet simple to do, important work I now teach.

If you want to make 2023 through 2024 the best year in your life, beginning right now...this is the one Program you want to take advantage of to become the Master of your own Mind as you learn to overcome challenges in any area of your life using science, inspiring case studies, immersive lectures, and powerful meditations.

Take control of your Mind and you'll take control of your Power! No need to do these years & decades in 'spiritual' studies that do not progress you…Do It Now!